Friday, March 6, 2020

Blog: Social Networking Sites

The only social networking sites that I log into on the regular are Instagram and Snapchat. I currently have Facebook, but I rarely log into it. When Facebook came out, I wasn’t really into it because I didn’t feel the need to post about my life. Why would anyone care if I went to the mall? I don’t really care about having a following or being friends with a lot of people online which is why I never used it at its peak. I only use Facebook if my parents need me to look up a family member from the motherland since they both don’t have social networking sites. My Facebook is filled with my family members posts. I had a Twitter account for about 3 years but got bored of it because it became repetitive. I never had anything to say. Although, sometimes I do miss using Twitter daily because it kept me up to date with a lot of current events. It helped spread news at a faster rate which is very helpful. All I must do to see what everyone is talking about is to click on the Explore page and look at the Trends and What’s Happening. What I miss most about Twitter is its funny content, but I don’t miss out on much since my boyfriend gladly shows me all the tweets he thought I would find funny.

In all honesty, I’m not sure why I still have Snapchat. Ever since Instagram added Instagram Story, which is basically Snapchat, I’ve noticed a lot of users stopped using Snapchat for Instagram. I don’t blame them since Instagram has everything in one. I occasionally post on Snapchat. I like Snapchat because of its face filters. It’s always fun to play around with them with my nephews. In the future, I will probably end up deleting Snapchat. Instagram has remained my favorite social networking site. I love it because of its clean format. The only complaint I can say about Instagram is that they stopped organizing posts in chronological order. Instagram is simple and easy to use. Who doesn’t like posting a selfie or posting photos of their awesome trip? I like it because its only meant for photos.

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