Saturday, February 8, 2020

Social Media: Useful for Some, Toxic for Others

I will be basing my research paper on social media and how it affects its users in many different aspects of their lives. My topics will range from how it affects us economically to mentally. Social media platforms have served as a great opportunity for those in the entertainment and marketing industry. Numerous companies use social media to bring in more publicity for their products, even going as far as paying celebrities to sponsor their product. There is no denying social media generates a lot of money for those who use it effectively in becoming “influencers” or entertainers, however, it is also responsible for causing anxiety and depression in others. One of the dark sides of social media is that it has facilitated cyber bullying from anywhere in the world. It is easier now than ever before to bully with the help of social media. I will study the pros and cons of social media. Do the pros outweigh the cons? Is it worth using?These are the questions I would like to find an answer to.

1 comment:

  1. Jailine,
    I think that this topic is very interesting and controversial. There are many people who can use social media as a helpful tool while for others it could become an addiction. I would love to take a look at your paper when it's done. Good Luck!
    Your classmate,
    Olesia Ivanyshynets
